I voted! Absentee ballot style... not quite as exciting, I know. A part of me wants to go get a sticker from the polls tomorrow, but I'm not really into standing in line.
oh yea, and who I voted for? Well, you don't really need to know. I made the decision and stuck by it. Whatever that means to you.
on ANOTHER note...
Guilty pleasure alert: I absolutely love toy stores. Enough that just walking through one makes me happy, so confession, when I'm having a rough day, I go to a local toy store. Now, let's just pause a minute to consider part of that sentence. "Local toy store" - greatest things ever. Who knew there would be so many in Charlottesville? Do they exist in Chesapeake? Have I been deprived all my life?
Psalm 33:3 3 Sing to him a new song; play skillfully*, and shout for joy.
I enjoy playing. I think it's a fabulous way to get some QT in with some friends and have a great time. And Jesus does say to come like a child, what better way than playing?
(*In context, sure, David is talking about playing the harp or something, but I, being musically challenged, will use this verse to mean simple play with friends.)